Ergonomics is the study of how to improve the fit between people and their tasks in the workplace.
It involves applying knowledge about human characteristics (for example, strength, size, abilities, vision, etc.) to design better jobs. Ergonomics can improve both the health and well being of workers. Good ergonomics has been shown to reduce back pain, sprain and strain injuries, discomfort, fatigue, and workplace accidents. Ergonomics looks at all work characteristics such as:
- Tools, equipment, machinery, tables, chairs, noise, and lighting;
- Pace of the work, how the work is organized and production requirements;
- Workstation layout and work procedures
Office Ergonomics Self Help Kit
OHC has produced an Office Ergonomics Self Help Kit. The purpose of the kit is to prevent work-related injuries by helping you identify and solve problems with the setup of your computer workstation. The kit is a self help guide for workers, employers, joint health and safety committees, and occupational health and safety professionals. For access to all related resources and checklists please fill out the form below.
Workplace Job Accommodations: Effective Solutions for Return to Work Guide
This resource guide contains information on job accommodation principles and examples for the most common musculoskeletal injuries. It is separated into four sections: Back Injuries, Hand Injuries, Leg Injuries, and Neck and Shoulder Injuries. A job accommodation worksheet is included to help identify solutions based on the job accommodation principles and the specific physical demands of the task. A resource section provides contact information for agencies in Manitoba that can help with the Return to Work Process and Ergonomics. The guide is based on the work of the Occupational Health Centre’s Quality of Life of Workers in a Return to Work project. This project studied the quality of life of workers with musculoskeletal injuries in a return-to-work program and documented their specific job accommodations. For access to all related resources and checklists please fill out the form below.
Small Business Ergonomic Case Studies: Hazards, Assessments, Solutions, Costs and Benefits
This project involved assessing jobs in small workplaces, finding and implementing solutions that worked and documenting the costs and benefits. The case studies are formatted with the S.A.F.E. work theme: Spot the Ergonomic Hazard, Assess the Risk, Find a Safer Way, and Everyday Awareness to improve the safety and health of workers. The project was funded by the WCB’s Community Initiatives Research program in 2005 however, the ergonomic principles of identifying hazards and assessing the risk, finding practical solutions and documenting the benefits has lessons that can still be used today. If you would like access to the full suite of resources, please fill out the form below.
Resources for Child Care Workers
When a local child care centre was confronted with a growing number of staff injuries it turned to the Occupational Health Centre (OHC) for assistance and information to develop a program to address health, safety and wellness in the workplace. For access to a video and specific resources on ergonomic techniques for working with children, please fill out the form below.