This page contains resources for workers if they need to access assistance related to healthcare, income support, rent payment, emergency housing, food support, or domestic violence (click the links to jump quickly to that section).
If you are a worker and you want more information on your Right to Refuse Dangerous Work, the Province of Manitoba has added new information regarding COVID-19 and the Right to Refuse Dangerous Work on their website which outlines questions to consider to determine the exposure risk and information on what Workplace Safety & Health considers appropriate controls for high-risk workplaces. OHC has also created a resource on practical social distancing recommendations and guidelines for workers and workplaces.
Are you concerned you have COVID-19 symptoms? You have two options for help:
- Online Screening Tool – this will be the fastest route.
Fill out the answers to the questions at the bottom. They are Yes or No answers. The tool will tell you whether to call Health Links, to go to a clinic, or to do nothing if you are not at risk.
- Health Links – there may be a wait to have your call answered.
They will be able to assess you over the phone and tell you where to go if you need to be tested.
Local number: 204-788-8200 | Toll-free number: 1-888-315-9257
If you do not have Manitoba Health coverage (if you are a newcomer who does not yet have a Manitoba Health Card or if you are currently without status in Canada), access to screening, testing and treatment for COVID-19 will be provided at no charge. If you are concerned you have contracted COVID-19, please contact Health Links.
You may request a WRHA interpreter when you call Health Links and at the COVID-19 testing sites.
If you have returned to Manitoba from travel, either international (outside Canada) or domestic (outside Manitoba) on or after March 23, 2020, you must self-isolate and self-monitor for symptoms for at least 14 days following your return.
For more information on how to self-isolate and self-monitor, click HERE.
Healthcare workers ONLY: if you are returning from travel on or after March 23rd or if you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, you must contact Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health (OESH) at the WRHA as soon as possible. Please attempt to contact OESH first before calling Health Links.
- Provincial Occupational Health COVID-19 Screening Line (WRHA OESH):
Local number: 204-926-1042 | Toll-free number: 1-888-203-4066
Are you experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health struggles and need someone to talk to?
- Klinic Crisis Line – this province-wide phone line is available 24/7 for you to call for free and confidential counselling, support and referrals for people who are suicidal, in crisis or struggling to cope.
Local number: 204-786-8686 | Toll-free number: 1-888-322-3019
- Westman Crisis Services – this service works with adults in the Brandon and Assiniboine regions, who are in a mental health or psychosocial crisis.
Toll-free number: 1-888-379-7699
- Interlake Crisis Services – 24 Hour Crisis Line providing telephone support for individuals in the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority who are experiencing a mental health or psychosocial crisis. Also provides information and helpful resources to individuals looking for themselves or someone else.
Toll-free number: 1-888-310-4593
- Southern Health Crisis Services – 24 Hour Crisis Line providing community citizens of all ages experiencing a mental health or psychosocial crisis ongoing support, crisis intervention, consultation, referral to or suggest resources and education.
Toll-free number: 1-888-617-7715
- Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services – provides telephone and online counselling to farmers, rural and northern Manitobans.
Toll-free number: 1-866-367-3276
- Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba Support Line – Support line specifically for people dealing with heightened anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Local number: 204-925-0040
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 9 PM | Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 4 PM
- Mental Health Virtual Therapy Program – AbilitiCBT, a new free & confidential digital therapy program available to all Manitobans experiencing low to mid symptoms of anxiety due to the pandemic.
- Shared Health Mental Health Mobile Crisis Service – a central point of access for adults experiencing a mental health crisis, accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Local number: 204-940-1781
- Aulneau Renewal Centre – Free of charge phone counselling for community members who are isolated and experiencing anxiety during this COVID- 19 crisis. Via a phone call, you will have access to a counselor who can help you look at coping tools and resources to help you and your family during this difficult time.
Local number: 204-987-7090
- Jewish Child & Family Services – Counselling and Mental Health Support for individuals, couples, and families, including specific services for newcomer communities.
Local Number: 204-477-7430
Have you been laid off work because of the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- The Canada Emergency Response Benefit may provide you with temporary income support if you:
- Reside in Canada, and are at least 15 years old;
- Have stopped working because of reasons related to COVID-19 or are eligible for Employment Insurance regular or sickness benefits or have exhausted your Employment Insurance regular benefits between December 29, 2019 and October 3, 2020;
- Had employment and/or self-employment income of at least $5,000 in 2019 or in the 12 months prior to the date of your application; and,
- Have not quit your job voluntarily.
- Are a seasonal worker who has exhausted EI regular benefits and are unable to undertake your regular seasonal work as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Have recently exhausted your EI regular benefits and are unable to find a job or return to work because of COVID-19.
Whether you qualify for CERB, Employment Insurance (EI) or both, you must only apply for CERB. Once you have received up to 16 weeks of CERB, if you are still eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you can apply here.
- Other supports from the federal government during COVID-19 are available HERE.
- Community Unemployed Help Centre – Community Unemployed Help Centre is a community-based nonprofit agency that provides information, assistance, advice, and representation to individuals dealing with the federal government’s Employment Insurance program and Manitoba’s Employment and Income Assistance program. Through its public-education work the Centre informs Manitobans of their rights and obligations in relation to these programs.
Local number: 204-942-6556 | Toll-free number: 1-866-942-6556
- Sara Riel Employment Support Line – Sara Riel, a community mental health service provider, has an Employment Support line where will be able to work through some of your questions on benefits available and resources for you to access.
Local number: 204-237-9263 ext. 137
Hours: 8AM to 4:30PM
Do you need help accessing free and/or affordable food?
Winnipeg-based organizations providing food baskets and/or hot meals:
- Winnipeg Harvest – Preparing pre-packaged hampers for no-contact delivery. Contact the Food Assistance Call Centre for more information. Manitoba Health Card required.
Local number: 204-982-3660 | Outside Winnipeg: 1-800-970-5559
Hours: Monday to Friday 9:15 AM – 3:15 PM, Saturday 9:15 AM – 12:15 PM
- 1Just City – An organization that supports three drop-in community centres in Winnipeg’s core neighbourhoods.
St Matthews Maryland Community Ministry – 365 McGee Street (West End Commons)
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 1:30 PM-4 PM
What they offer:
- Take out lunches available for housed people experiencing food insecurity
- Eat in lunches with access to washrooms and a space to warm up for people experiencing homelessness
- Emergency Food Kits so families don’t go hungry
- Food Bank
West Broadway Community Ministry – 222 Furby Street (Crossways in Common)
Please note: This building is shared with housing for people who are at low immunity so there is no inside access.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 12:30 PM-3 PM
What they offer:
- Take out lunches
- Access to a port-a-potty
- Emergency Food Kits for families
Oak Table – 109 Pulford Street (Augustine United Church)
Hours: Monday to Thursday from 12:30 PM- 3 PM
What they offer:
- Take out lunches available for housed people experiencing food insecurity
- Eat in lunches with access to washrooms and a space to warm up for people experiencing homelessness
- Potential Access to health supports (shifts daily)
- West Central Women’s Resource Centre – a resource centre for women and their families located in the West End of Winnipeg
Location: 640 Ellice Avenue
What they offer:
- Bagged lunches and dinners available for pick up at the door at the following times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon to 1 PM |Tuesday, Thursday from 5 PM-6 PM | Saturday from 10 AM-11 AM
- Bagged lunches and dinners available for pick up at the door at the following times:
- Sunshine House – a drop-in and resource centre focusing on social inclusion and harm reduction
Local number: 204-788-6473
Location: 646 Logan Avenue
What they offer:
- Meal preparation
- Provision of supplies
- General social support
- Drop in and recreation programs currently closed.
Rural Manitoba organizations providing food baskets and/or hot meals:
- Helping Hands Soup Kitchen – a local soup kitchen, with food donated from local farmers, businesses, churches, and nearby Hutterite Colonies.
- Take out only during the COVID-19 outbreak
- 4 or 5 people are allowed in at a time to preserve social distancing guidelines
The Salvation Army Portage la Prairie Corps Community Food Bank – Community Food Bank running all year long providing food to individuals and families that are otherwise unable to meet their needs or are struggling financially.
- Emergency assistance on a case by case basis. Call for more details; leave a message for return if no answer.
Are you having trouble paying your rent? Does your landlord want to evict you?
Due to COVID-19, rent increases are temporarily frozen from April 1 to May 31 and Residential Tenancies Branch has “paused” scheduling non-urgent eviction hearings until May 31, 2020. You will be allowed to stay in your unit until eviction hearings are rescheduled.
For more information and help contact:
Residential Tenancies Branch Government of Manitoba: 204-945-2476
Tenant-Landlord Cooperation at the North End Community Renewal Corporation: 204-927-2335
Do you need access to emergency housing?
Local shelters providing drop-in services as well as access to social resources for permanent housing support
- Siloam Mission Emergency Shelter – Christian organization offering temporary refuge for community members experiencing homelessness
Local number: 204-943-1748
Location: 300 Princess Street
Drop in currently closed during the day. Meals offered at 9:00 AM, 12:30 PM and 6:45 PM.
- Main Street Project – community health agency operating on housing-first and harm-reduction principles offering emergency shelter for up to 60 individuals
Local number: 204-982-8229
Location: 75 Martha Street
Modified drop in services during the day, to following Public Health social distancing guidelines. May open warming shelter to expand capacity for evening shelter.
- Salvation Army Booth Centre – Christian organization offering temporary accommodations and meals for up to 250 men and women in a clean, safe and secure environment.
Local number: 204- 946-9402
Location: 180 Henry Avenue
- Safe and Warm Shelter at Samaritan House (Brandon) – 10-bed emergency shelter designated for adults who experience occasional homelessness. The shelter is fully staffed with trained support workers and security guards who ensure safety and assistance for clients.
Local number: 204-726-0758
- CMHA Thompson Homeless Shelter “Nanatowiho Wikamik” – operated by CMHA providing programs, support and services to help empower clients.
Local number: 204-677-0976
Location: 115 Churchill Drive, Thompson MB
Are you dealing with domestic violence and need access to emergency housing?
Organizations providing emergency shelter and access to supports for those dealing with domestic violence.
- Willow Place – Emergency Shelter in Winnipeg, providing access to support, counselling, referrals and shelter
Local number: 204-615-0311 (24/7 crisis line) | Toll-free number: 1-877-977-0007
- A Woman’s Place – Organization operating out of Norwest Community Co-op providing assistance for women and children impacted by domestic violence with counselling and support, safety planning, protection orders, legal consults and representation. Interpreter services available to those who need it.
Local number: 204-940-6624 | Online or text chat available – for more information click HERE
Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
- Men’s Resource Centre – Emergency Shelter for men and their children who are fleeing intimate partner domestic violence and/or abuse.
Local number: 204.415.6797 ext. 201
Location: 115 Pulford Street
- A & O: Safe Suite Initiative – this initiative provides temporary housing for men and women, 55 years or older, who are in need of a safe place to stay due to abuse or neglect and whose needs cannot be effectively met by existing abuse/crisis services.
Local number: 204-956-6440 | Toll-free number: 1-888-333-3121
- BRANDON: Westman Women’s Shelter – an emergency shelter offering a short-term safe and supportive environment for physically, emotionally or sexually abused women and their children 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Call the Domestic Violence Crisis Line for intake: 1-877-977-007
- THE PAs: Aurora House –a small emergency shelter providing accommodation and or counselling to women and children dealing with domestic violence.
Local number: 204-623-7427
- FLIN FLON: Women’s Resource Centre – a safe place where you can get emergency housing and food for you and your children. Also provides counselling, support and referral.
Local number: 204-681-3105
- WINKLER: Genesis House – provides a confidential service, which includes a shelter for abused women and their children, residential and non-residential programs and prevention through public education.
Local number: 204-325-9800
- ShelterSafe – Use this tool to search for shelters near you. You are able to access information and contact numbers for a variety of shelters based on your geographical location. Provides information on availability for pets and children’s programming.