Newcomer Workers’ Stories Matter: OHC Completes Pilot Project

OHC used the Vidaview Life Story Board to collect stories from seven newcomer workers in the food processing industry about their dreams, struggles, pain and resiliencies in life and work. Recently five of these workers from the same cultural community met as a group to talk about their storyboard experience, review the trends from their stories and develop a collective work story.

Collective narratives can be a powerful way to help communities describe the conditions of their work and develop solutions to their most pressing problems.

Watch for future developments using the storyboard and collective narratives at OHC!

Van Nguyen - Interpreter, Dr. Rob Chase & Diana Ludwick - OHC, & Minh Man To - Worker Representative
Van Nguyen – Interpreter, Dr. Rob Chase & Diana Ludwick – OHC, & Minh Man To – Worker Representative