You are invited to submit a proposal to develop and deliver a project!

“Addressing the Mental Health, Substance Use and Complex Trauma Needs of Workers in Manitoba: A Feasibility and Implementation Study for Program Development.”

Please submit your proposal no later than end of day July 31, 2024.

OHC requires the services of a qualified consultant to execute a feasibility study related to the development of programs and services that address the psychological and mental health aspects of workplace health and safety in Winnipeg. The feasibility study must align with the current strategic directions and resources of the organization. The successful proponent will demonstrate a methodology that includes OHC staff, as well as the board of directors, and will reflect the values and philosophies of OHC within and throughout the work. 

The objective of this project is to assess the feasibility for OHC to adjust current and/or implement new programs and services to address the mental health needs of workers in Winnipeg and throughout Manitoba. The feasibility study must include a detailed assessment of the mental health needs of workers in the local and national contexts, as well as propose recommended options based on the current resource capacity of the organization. 

Requirements for the project and evaluation considerations located here

Please apply by email by July 31, 2024 to: Thomas Linner, Interim Executive Director |