Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day (RSI) Presentation – After the Injury: What do workers need to know

After the Injury:  What Do Workers Need to Know?

Thanks to all the presenters & participants who came out for OHC’s panel presentation on March 4, 2015 to mark Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day.

Key points made by the panelists that injured workers & their advocates need to remember:

  • Don’t assume your doctor knows about your injury and the nature of your job if you don’t tell him or her about it. Doctors need to have a very detailed understanding of the injury and your job to make a proper diagnosis and recommendations about returning to work or staying off.
  • Document the physical demands of the job and all tasks early in the claim process. Describe the frequency, duraction, postures and force used to perform all tasks.
  • If you are not making good progress in the treatment of your work injury or don’t feel your problems are being addressed, look for other options as soon as possible.
  • Keep notes and ensure important information is being recorded and registered by your health care provider and WCB.
  • Make sure your Return to Work offer has a detailed description of the work activities you will be doing. Make sure these activities do not require you to work outside of your medical restrictions.
  • If you have problems with your Return to Work or are being asked to do work outside of your medical restrictions, tell your union, Worker Advisor, or WCB Case Manager immediately.


Mike Blackburn, Worker Advisor Office

Rob Hilliard, Retired Union Activist

Dr. Rob Chase, Occupational Health Centre

Michelle Pearson, Rehabilitation Consultant


Check and click for more resources & key points:

RSI day resources and key points 2015




