Latest Past Events

RSI Day 2023

Join OHC for a series of virtual events to celebrate Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day   Tuesday, February 21, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (CST) Mindfulness Skills for Chronic Pain  Presenter:, BN, MN Occupational Health Nurse, Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator Occupational Health Centre Are you living with chronic pain after a workplace injury? Chronic... Read More

Creating a Culture of Consent at Work (Virtual Series)

Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams. Over the course of four 1HR participatory webinars, we break down our project's full session where participants will identify and discuss the underlying issues that may lead to harmful workplace sexual harassment and, develop a practical lens and understanding... Read More

In Person: Creating a Culture of Consent in the Workplace

Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams. This cost-free full-day session will focus on topics such as: Identifying and discussing the underlying issues that may lead to sexual harassment, developing a language of consent that encourages respect and understanding in... Read More