Public Presentation: Overview of Workers’ Compensation

Join us for a free webinar: Overview of Worker's Compensation on June 7th from 9:30-10:30 a.m. (CDT). The session is presented by: Michelle Hegg, Worker Advisor, Worker Advisor Office, Brandon, Department of Labour, Consumer Protection and Government Services. This presentation will provide an overview of the worker’s compensation process and the role and services provided... Read More

Public Presentation: Im/migrant Home Care Workers in Manitoba During the Pandemic: Exploitation, Precarity, and Resistance

Join us for a Free Webinar: Im/migrant Home Care Workers in Manitoba During the Pandemic: Exploitation, Precarity, and ResistancePresented by: Dr. Mary Jean Hande -- Principal Investigator of Migrant Care Work and The Geopolitics of Aging in Place During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Assistant Professor, Sociology, Trent University. In this presentation, we will present an... Read More

Creating a Culture of Consent at Work Virtual Session

Creating a Culture of Consent at Work (Virtual) September 27, 2022, 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Location: Zoom Meeting Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams. During this participatory afternoon participants will identify and discuss the underlying issues that may lead to harmful workplace sexual harassment and, develop a practical lens and... Read More

Free Webinar: Integrating Psychological Health and Safety with Hybrid Workspaces

Integrating Psychological Health and Safety with Hybrid Workspaces Presented by: Geoffrey Thompson, OHN, Occupational Health Centre These days working from home remains a privilege for those who still can. It isn’t suited for everyone or even feasible for essential front-line workers. Nevertheless, in 2020 – 2021 many workers were forced to suddenly work from home.... Read More

Life Story Board introductory workshop

The Vidaview Life Story Board is an innovative, visual-tactile narrative tool for counsellors, therapists, social workers and mental health professionals in client-centred care; social science researchers and graduate students interested in a novel visual qualitative interview tool interests in its use in narrative writing, creative arts, community and cultural contexts Workshop Objectives: to introduce the Life Story Board and... Read More

Free Webinar – Third Party Reporting

Third Party Reporting Presented by: Jaymie Sorro, MA | Counsellor & Coordinator, Sexual Assault Crisis Program (SACP) This session explains what third-party reporting is, why it was developed, the process in Manitoba and what the process looks like for those choosing to file a third-party report with Klinic. Registration required

Free Webinar – Long COVID: Rehabilitation and Return to Work Considerations

Long COVID is a condition in which people continue to experience symptoms for more than 3 months after a COVID-19 infection. According to a recent survey done by the Public Health Agency of Canada, 14.8% of people go on to develop Long COVID after a COVID-19 infection. Of these people, approximately half (47%) experience symptoms... Read More

Webinar: Creating a Culture of Consent in the Workplace

Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams. This cost-free four-hour webinar will focus on topics such as: Identifying and discussing the underlying issues that may lead to sexual harassment, developing a language of consent that encourages respect and understanding in... Read More

Webinar: Considerations for Workers at Greater Risk of Injury

Special considerations should be given to workers who may be at greater risk of injury or those who have greater exposure to unsafe or hazardous conditions. It is important for workplaces to develop strategies to ensure worker vulnerability is recognized and addressed in policies, training, signage, and other means, in an attempt to prevent workplace... Read More

In Person: Creating a Culture of Consent in the Workplace

Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams. This cost-free full-day session will focus on topics such as: Identifying and discussing the underlying issues that may lead to sexual harassment, developing a language of consent that encourages respect and understanding in... Read More

Creating a Culture of Consent at Work (Virtual Series)

Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams. Over the course of four 1HR participatory webinars, we break down our project's full session where participants will identify and discuss the underlying issues that may lead to harmful workplace sexual harassment and, develop a practical lens and understanding... Read More

RSI Day 2023

Join OHC for a series of virtual events to celebrate Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day   Tuesday, February 21, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (CST) Mindfulness Skills for Chronic Pain  Presenter:, BN, MN Occupational Health Nurse, Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator Occupational Health Centre Are you living with chronic pain after a workplace injury? Chronic... Read More